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Apel deschis pentru burse în cadrul Programului Visegrad (Deadline – 31 ianuarie (in fiecare an)

Publicat: 04.02.2014

Scholarships for EaP are an exten­sion of the exist­ing In-Coming scheme of the Visegrad Scholarship Program financ­ing indi­vid­ual mobil­ity of EaP schol­ars (cit­i­zens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova or Ukraine) to pur­sue study or research stays at accred­ited pub­lic or pri­vate col­leges or uni­ver­si­ties in the V4 countries(Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland or Slovakia).

Successful appli­cants within this scheme will receive schol­ar­ships of €2,300/semester and the cor­re­spond­ing host universities/institutes receive €1,500/semester/scholar. Scholars who will have to travel to the host insti­tu­tion more than 1,500 km are also eli­gi­ble for one-time Travel Grant.

Annual bud­get: €596,800
Deadline: 12:00 p.m. (noon), January 31

Pentru mai multe detalii și formularul pentru aplicare accesați link-ul: