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Selection procedure for teachers and staff

Published: 30.08.2018



General information:

Teaching and training mobilities are done at a participating university with which SUMPh Nicolae Testemitanu has concluded a bilateral agreement. The bilateral agreement includes the number of teachers / staff who can carry out mobility during one academic year.

Eligibility criteria:

  • To have a permanent employment contract with SUMPh Nicolae Testemitanu;
  • Teaching Mobility: To carry out a teaching program accepted by the partner university (subjects included in the teaching program must be part of the curriculum of the host university);

* Teachers who have not previously benefited from teaching mobility have priority.

ERASMUS + participant dossier:

  • CV in Europass format;
  • Certificate of language competency (certifying the knowledge of the language requested by the host institution);
  • Teaching program (teaching mobility);
  • Other relevant documents (awards, contests, attendance, conferences, previous learning mobility);
  • Copy of the passport.